In-house Tax Expertise

Connext Partners is unique to other firms in that we can offer in-house tax and company secretarial services to assist with any transaction that we undertake.

How we can help:

    • Tax structuring: ensuring business owners have structured their business in an appropriate and tax-efficient manner

    • Tax Due Diligence: reviewing the target company’s tax compliance, historical tax positions, potential exposures, and any ongoing tax audits or disputes

    • Transaction Tax Modelling: develop financial models to analyse the tax implications of various transaction scenarios. This helps stakeholders understand the tax impact on cash flows, profitability, and overall deal economics

    • Company Formations: we can facilitate the formation of an entity that may be needed for a transaction or other special purpose

    • Company Secretarial: we can assist with the drafting and submission of any company secretarial documentation as may be required for your transaction